Jay and Steve at Flash Gaming Summit 2010
About ClickShake Games
ClickShake Games is a collection of indie games developed by programmer Steve Castro and animator Jay "Zeebarf" Ziebarth between 2009 and 2013.

Creators of the Indie Prize award-winning Ballads of Reemus: When the Bed Bites and over a dozen more games including:

More on the history of our company and website. | Complete list of released games

Legal Stuff
"ClickShake Games", "ClickShake", "CSG" and the corresponding logo(s) are trademarks of ClickShake Games LLC, incorporated in Ohio, and represent the company's products and services internationally. When refering to our company or offerings, use the ™ symbol , and use the mark "ClickShake" and not "Click Shake" or "clickshake". "Zeebarf" and corresponding logo(s) are trademarks of Jay Ziebarth. "EntropicOrder Original Games" and corresponding logo(s) are trademarks of Steve Castro.