Steve Castro is a game designer and programmer, creating computer games since 2000. In 2001, while studying Computer Information Systems at DeVry Columbus, Ohio,
he launched his hit game Rooftop Skater on Newgrounds. The game was featured on TechTV's Site of the Nite and was played tens of millions of times, landing him multiple game contracts for Sports Illustrated for Kids,
including another successful extreme sports game Sik Trix BMX. He also created Shape Switcher, Buried Alive! and more.
In 2009, he designed and programmed Paradox Embrace alongside artist Zeebarf which lead to the eventual creation of ClickShake Games.
Steve is an active advocate of independent and professional game development in the Ohio and midwest region, in his roles as founder of
The Central Ohio Gamedev Group and the
Ohio Game Developer Expo.
He occassionally does speaking engagements including the 2013 GAME.minder Expo on
"How to Make it as an Indie",
and the 2012
Wouldn't It Be Cool If... event in Columbus,
part of Time Warner Cable's
Connect a Million Minds initiative.
Steve is also our resident philosopher and extreme sports enthusiast.
To learn more, visit Steve's portfolio site at