ClickShake Store / Reemus & Liam T-Shirt

Get your very own Reemus & Liam T-Shirt. Pre-shrunk, 100% cotton black t-shirt featuring Reemus the exterminator and his sidekick Liam the purple bear. Currently available in Medium and Large. Also comes with full color sticker sheet featuring Reemus, Liam and other characters from the game.

Reemus & Liam T-Shirt
T-Shirt Size:
$20 + shipping
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Packages are shipped by USPS Priority Mail with these rates:
$5.97 United States (1-2 days)
$16.97 Canada and Mexico (6-10 days)
$19.97 Outside North America (6-10 days)

* Timeframes are estimated from the time they are shipped out and may vary.
** Ohio shipments require sales tax as well.